Webinars & Events

Upcoming Webinars & Events

"Very informative! Jonathan answered a few questions I wasn't too sure about. I am happy to see, real numbers/collateral and rates being used for the demo."

"These are helpful as refreshers - most of this is covered in car school, but everything can't be, so it's nice. Plus it's cool for new products and procedures to be able to see the slides."

"As always, a great presentation - all killer, no filler! Thanks!"

"Thank you for being willing to provide value up front to non-clients. Nicely done!"

"Great speakers and enjoyed it, good information I will pass on to the consumer lending department. Thank you."

"You are right - there were no silver bullets, but we came away with several incremental ideas that will help us improve what we are already doing right. Good use of time. Thanks!"

Past Webinars

How to Maximize Non-Interest Income

Are you struggling to boost earnings with your non-interest income programs?

Do you have a challenge getting your staff to effectively present your ancillary products?

Would a different workflow help you be more consistent with your members?

ASG provides solutions to these issues and more.

Is Indirect Lending Worth It?

Do you have a love/hate relationship with your indirect program? Are you considering jumping into indirect? It is certainly a portfolio pipeline, but at what cost to your core members as well as your bottom line?

Join us as we discuss metrics used to determine your ability to be a more direct lender, as well as best practices of credit unions who have successfully migrated away from indirect.

Navigating the Lending Downturn

With the current state of the economy, lending is particularly tough to navigate, and we realize that has a significant impact on your revenue. Join us as we discuss ways to utilize your entire Credit Union team to increase consumer loan production during this lending downturn.

Launching an Auto Check

We certainly realize we are in the midst of a lending downturn and credit unions are looking for alternatives to boost loan volume. With dealers fighting for financing, there is no better time to implement this great tool to assist in retaining your direct auto loans. Enjoy a webinar that talks about the process and details behind ASG's hugely successful Auto Check program.

Solution for Dealers 0%

ASG walks you through how to compete with the Dealers offering 0% incentives to the buyers. Give your members and staff the tools they need to beat the dealers at their own game!

Keeping Your Loans

Are your members being tricked at the dealer? In this webinar we will share the current tactics dealers are using to take advantage of your members and provide tools to help you protect your members and grow loans.